Thursday, March 8, 2012


Maybe it's because the temperature is 12 above and the Calgary region is fooling us all into thinking it's Spring. Or maybe I am inspired by my amazing friends and family around me doing crafty things in their lives…whatever the reason; my mind is buzzing….so many things that could be pursued, but what to spend my little amount of spare time on? When I'm feeling healthy, that's what it feels like to be me. It's like all of these interests and passions take up so much of my thinking, that I start on one idea or project, only to fall down into a deep rabbit hole of another interest (pinterest, anyone?)- mostly on things I have no idea about and then spend a week trying to learn it. Or I go the other way and don't do anything other than dreaming it up. Because I wouldn't do the project justice, right?

There is so much in this life that is amazing. If I could be given more time, it would definitely be to learn.  Learn/Do what? Oh…cooking, fermenting(lacto! fruits and veggies), snowshoeing, x- country skiing, woodworking, refinishing, working with wool, using my sewing machine, explore Calgary, explore parks,  using essential oils, more cake decorating, find out more about adoption, learn more about birthing, biodynamic farming, how to have backyard chickens, how to build a cold frame, how to seed in the cold frames for the garden, how to plant the garden, how-to, how-to, how- to. I always feel like I'm playing catch up. There are no areas where I am an expert it. I know an itty bitty about lots of things and that frustrates me. I am so happy to be a stay at home mom of two darlings right now, but they need so much of my energy.  I don't want to rob them of more as I study, stay up late and find out about MORE things I want to do in life. I am so frustrated in my attempts to learn a little here, a little there; yet feel so exuberant and full about the future and it's so many possibilities. I am so blown away by how much enjoyment God has put on this earth for us. Enjoyment in the learning process … 
exuberant me, four years ago.
If there is one word that can sum up how I feel about everything in life right now, it would be this: Abundance. 

What are you itching to try?


  1. I will be doing some furniture refinishing...make some pieces in our house new again as there isn't the $$ to get new ones..Something I've never really done before as you know I'm the "card maker". Also with new baby coming I will be taking up some sewing projects now too..making him a quilt and a few other pieces for the crib as well as some fabric art work for the walls. We shall see how it all turns out. eekkk

  2. I can't wait to see the quilt and art pieces, Chera! I would love to get into quilting too.

  3. Making an Alberta garden!!! More of a challenge than on the west coast...


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