Friday, April 27, 2012

365 days ago with a newborn!

Wow, I haven't posted in a month??! It's been busy, but I didn't mean to neglect you, little bloggy.
Finn is one today! It's been an amazing year. It makes me think back to the very beginning...this day last year. I thoroughly enjoyed the newborn phase this time around because I think I was better supported and took better care of myself.  Things I did to not just survive- but thrive-in the newborn phase:

-I had a midwife…she was amazing during the birth and after for support.  No birth trauma thanks to expert care = healthier mom.
-Homeopathic Arnica taken just a couple minutes after birth and continued for a week for healing.
-Followed the advice of my midwives. It sounds simple in theory, but we all know as moms we put caring for ourselves last… She told me to have a sitz bath every day for two weeks- it healed things up nicely. If she told me to use calendula cream, I did it. If she told me to stay in bed for three days after the birth, I obeyed! All I did was nurse Finn and recover. This all added up to a great physical recovery.
-After issues with my digestion and elimination, nothing chocolate or sugary passed my lips. Just healthy home cooked meals and fruits and veggies.
-I ate my placenta. Seriously! I had it encapsulated and used it every day. I honestly had one afternoon only where I cried, but not because of baby blues, but because my milk came in and it hurt.
-I had 5 weeks of almost continuous help. I also swallowed my pride asked for help this time around. Kirk also took off more time for this postpartum period.
- Ellie went for two mornings a week to a nanny-share. I enjoyed just cuddling with Finley, or if he was content or sleeping I cleaned or had a shower.

These simple things added up to a huge difference in the postpartum stages with my first and second babies. I had depression and anxiety after Ellie and never wanted to go down that path again. I really worked hard at setting myself up for success this time around.( I do believe, however, that sometimes even with our best efforts, the hormone and chemical imbalances can be too much. The best thing to do is see the doctor about prescription medication for it,  and get better soon so you can enjoy life again and your baby!)

I think of all the friends of mine with newborns this month and pray they can get through the tough moments with their toddlers, take care of themselves, and really enjoy their wee little ones. A year goes by so fast: Just look at this little guy 365 days later!