Thursday, February 23, 2012

pass the test

We've been up all night. I am so exhausted I can hardly see straight. Today is going to be a test in patience with the kids and putting into practice what nourishing ourselves means. Today that means…

  1. No T.V or computer time ( if I have any downtime it will be for napping!)
  2. Herbal tea to soothe- the temptation is there to drink a cup of coffee for caffeine for energy, but I know it will burn me out in the end
  3. Eating really well today, especially as we're sick and tired. I crave cookies and sugary carbs in times like these… No junk for our already run down system
  4. Getting out of a walk- fresh air always does wonders for us and gives some perspective when you're surrounded by dirty dishes, laundry and toys scattered. Heck, it may even motivate me to clean it up when we return.
  5. Don't take things personally today- especially my daughter's choice of actions…what I mean is, as soon as I become personally attached to her behaviour, I start to use it as a gauge of my adequacy as a mom. If she listens well to an instruction, I feel like a great mom. If she decides not to behave, I have somehow failed…thus my reaction to that is super emotional and all patience is lost…if I can somehow remember that on most days; great, but today it's extremely important! (ok, so I italicized for double remembering power! Ha)
  6. Getting in the Word to fill up my tank. Try as I might to even do one thing on this list, I can't without total reliance on Christ.
What's the hidden benefit in having more patience with my children (besides that they just deserve it)? They will model my behaviour.  Another benefit- not waking up tomorrow regretting how I reacted today.

How do you handle a day where you know you're behind in your sleep and energy? Any wisdom to share?

Let nothing disturb thee;
Let nothing dismay thee:
All thing pass;
God never changes.

Patience attains
All that it strives for.
He who has God
Finds he lacks nothing:
   God alone suffices.

"Poem IX", in Complete Works St. Teresa of Avila (1963) edited by E. Allison Peers, Vol. 3, p. 288

Tomorrow's post: getting through colds and fevers naturally...


  1. Liz, for nourishment I think a nice cold beer in the morning around 10:30 will help you out, and another one for every time you loose your patience.

    Congrats on starting this blog, you are awesome, but please put a period at the end of all your senetences.

    Get well soon :)

  2. Congrats on starting your blog! It's a wonderful outlet to maintain a mommy's sanity and to be flex those creative muscles. I'll add you to my blog reader, Liz.

    Jennifer Kramer

  3. Thanks Jen! That means a lot coming from you; I've often been blessed by reading your blog. You're right, it's just nice to have an outlet- even if no one ever reads it!

    Joris…I will try harder to punctuate properly if you try harder to spell "sentences" correctly- Just kidding man. I love and miss you!


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